Mental Health Careers--Applied Behavior Analyst

young child with autism wearing overalls Using a Psychology degree to be an Applied Behavior Analyst

With a Psychology degree you can pursue a Master's degree as an Applied Behavior Analyst. This type of analyst uses behavioral techniques (e.g., reinforcment) as a form of treatment intervention. You can work with any aged person who is having behavioral problems (i.e., unable to control their behavior), but an Applied Behavior Analyst often works with autistic children. In addition, you might work in a school, but there are other types of job locations, including inpatient facilities. Finally, you should be aware that an Applied Behavior Analyst works with parents, teachers, and other mental health professionals to implement intervention plans.

The time to earn a Master's degree in Applied Behavior Analysis is typically 2 years. However, there are some programs that are shorter. Moreover, some programs offer an online degree. As always, remember that when you earn a Master's degree you typically must pay tuition. This tuition can be quite high if you are out of state--check out tuition by going to various school's websites. By earning a Master's degree you will generally have more job opportunities and earn more than just having a Bachelor’s degree.

Also, make sure you check if an Applied Behavior Analyst is licensed occupation in the state you hope to reside.

Click here for more information about Applied Behavior Analysis. lists the average yearly income for an Applied Behavior Analyst at $40,000.

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Mental Health Careers--Doctoral Degree in Psychology 

Mental Health Careers--Psychiatrist