Business Careers--Sales

housewith sold sign Can you use your Psychology degree to take a job in Sales?

Your degree in Psychology can lead to a variety of sales-related jobs. Some sales jobs are those in stores and other retail/wholesale establishments. It seems that you can get a job to sell anything, either in person, on the phone, or through the Internet. Other sales jobs may involve more complex transactions. An example of a complex interaction is a real estate broker/agent who helps clients buy, sell, and rent property. In addition, you might choose to be an insurance sales agents work for insurance companies and help clients choose suitable insurance plans. Finally, investment bankers, or others in financial services sales connect buyers and sellers in financial markets. They sell securities to individuals, advise companies in search of investors, and conduct trades. Jobs in sales involve dealing with people (e.g., informing them of why to buy a product or use a particular service), but also include helping to determine what consumers want and need. If you like dealing with people, a sales job might be just what you are looking for.

One thing to keep in mind as you think about a job in sales is whether you want to work for someone or branch out on your own. As you can imagine, the latter typically requires more resources to get things moving, but the possibility of being your own boss may be extremely appealing.

Salary Information lists the average yearly income of a general sales job at $43,000.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the average yearly income of a real estate sales job at $56,000.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the average yearly income of an insurance sales job at $64,000.

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