Education Careers--Library Assistant

inside a large library with small lights on at each table Can I use my Bachelor's Degree in Psychology to get a job as a Library Assistant?

You can use your Bachelor's degree in Psychology to get a job as a Library assistant. In this position, you will help librarians organize library materials and information, direct patrons to books and databases, and perform clerical and administrative tasks (e.g., handling interlibrary loan requests, cataloguing books, shelving books, and using the library's database). Because of your background with reading materials and with using the library where you went to school, you are likely already familiar with some aspects of this job.

If you want to move up to a higher-paying job, being a Library Assistant is usually the first step in becoming a Librarian. However, if you want to be an actual Librarian, you will have to go back to school to earn a Library Science degree, typically at the Master's degree level.

Salary Information

The Bureau of Labor Statistics lists the average yearly income for a Library Assistant at $29,000.

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