Government Careers

the pentagon building in Washington DCCan a Psychology degree lead to a Government career?

A Psychology degree is ideal for securing a Government job, keeping in mind that there are literally millions of local, state and Federal employees. Your BA/BS in Psychology you will make you eligible and more competitive for many of these jobs, given your knowledge of how people thinking and behave, research methods, and statistics. Check out possible Federal jobs by clicking this link.

Salary Information lists the average yearly income for a Federal Government worker at $66,000.

Click here to see career salary information for ALL careers listed in

Click here to read important steps to a career in Government.

State and Local Government Jobs

These jobs include various departments as well as community mental health centers, state psychiatric hospitals and senior citizens centers. Here's an example of job related information at the state level.

Keep in mind that some government jobs are in law enforcement and the military. Also, a number of government jobs are civil service jobs. These jobs help to make government function effectively and are generally people-oriented jobs because of how much you must interact with others. For example, a worker in a Social Security Administration office. If you are interested in state and local government jobs, you should visit your state, city or communities website for more information.

Federal Government Jobs

These jobs are found with various departments. Click on the links below to access the jobs websites of major federal government departments: