Higher Education Careers--Master's degree in Psychology

two students near bookshelves in college library What are my Higher Education Career options with a Master's Degree in Psychology?

You can use your Psychology degree to move forward to graduate school and earn a Master's degree in Psychology. At that point, you can consider various types of jobs in higher education. You can teach at a college or university with a Master's degree, but it is unlikely that you can secure a full-time position without continuing in graduate school to earn a PhD. Still, you may be able to teach some courses on what is called an "adjunct" or part-time basis. Another option with a Master's deree is to pursue an administrative position at a college or university. This type of position might be in one of many departments on a campus--enrollment management, admissions, advising, student services, etc. The key is that a Master's degree tin Psychology ends to offer greater job opportunities and greater salary than a Bachelor’s degree.

Earning a Master's degree will require you to be accepted in a graduate program. You will need to think about what type of Master's degree in Psychology you want to pursue. For a higher education degree, it might be best to get a Master's degree in General Psychology.  This type of degree typically requires 2 years of graduate school to complete a Master's thesis (research project) and typically you must pay tuition at your school. You should check with the schools you are interested in to see if they offer any type of financial assistance.

Salary Information

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Click here to read important steps to Higher Education Careers with a Graduate Degree in Psychology.

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Click on the links below to read about another Higher Education career that requires a graduate degree:

Higher Education Careers--PhD in Psychology

Click on the links below to read about types of Higher Education careers:

Higher Education Careers--Research and Teaching

Higher Education Careers--Researcher only

Higher Education Careers--Teacher only