From Psychology Degree to a Law Degree
Psychology Degree --> Law Degree
Many people view psychology and law as two very separate areas of study. However, they are both interested in human behavior. While Psychology seeks to understand and explain human behavior, law seeks to regulate human behavior. What this can mean for you is that if you are interested in humna behavior and you are a Psychology major, you might consider a career in law. One person who did this is Craig Michael, B.A. in Psychology and JD, who decided to put his psychology degree to work in the legal field.
![large empty courtroom](/images/careersinpsychimages/Adviceandtips/large-courtroom.jpg)
Please note that the comments of Dr. Golding and the others who post on this blog express their own opinion and not that of the University of Kentucky.
Want More?
Visit our website to learn more about possible careers for psychology majors or those interested in jobs that involve psychology.
Learn how to succeed in college with Professor Golding’s blog.
Check out Dr. Lippert’s website to learn about her work as a cognitive psychologist.