Military Careers that Require a Master's Degree in Psychology

Military psychologist talking to a solder What are my Military career options with a Master's Degree in Psychology?

With your Psychology degree you can pursue a career in the Military by first earning a Master's Degree . Most likely, the Master's degree you will go for will be as a Clinical Psychologist or Counseling Psychologist. The former is best suited for those with an interest in psychopathological populations and behavioral health, and the latter is best for those interested in vocational and career processes, human diversity, and professional training. We will add that you can pursue a Master's degree in Experimental Psychology, and be involved in military research projects--this option occurs less often. Finally, it is important to know that you can serve in any branch of the Armed Forces with your Master's degree.

If you pursue a Master's Degree you need to keep in mind that this degree typicall requires 2 years of graduate school to complete a Master's thesis (research project). As a Master's degree student you typically must pay tuition. The good news is that a Master's degree tends to offer greater job opportunities and greater salary than a Bachelor’s degree, and also allows you to be licensed by a state to do certain activities (e.g., testing, therapy). Click here to read more about what a Master's degree in psychology offers.

Salary Information

The average yearly income for a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology will typically be lower than the listing for the average yearly income for a PhD in Clinical Psychology of $75,000.

The average yearly income for a Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology will typically be lower than the listing for the average yearly income for a PhD in Clinical Psychology of $73,000.

Click here to see career salary information for ALL careers listed in

Click here to read important steps for a Military Career with a graduate degree in Psychology.

To learn more about applying to Psychology graduate school school check out the following:

American Psychological Association

Columbia University

Mitch’s Guide

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Click on the links below to read about another Military Career that requires a PhD degree:

Military Careers--PhD Psychologist