Neuroscience Careers--Medical Doctor

2 medical doctors operating Can my Psychology degree lead to a career as a Medical Doctor or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine?

It is often surprising to students to learn that they can earn a Psychology degree and still move toward a career as a Medical Doctor (MD) or Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). If you have a specific interest in neuroscience (studying the nervous system, especially the brain), a career as an MD or DO might be an ideal fit. Remember, both types of doctors can ultimately specialize in studying the nervous system, but your general training will be concerned with researching, diagnosing, and treating diseases and other physical and mental impairments. Just for clarification, a DO is a physician able to practice in all areas of medicine. Two big difference between an MD and a DO is that a DO emphasizes a whole-person approach to dealing with patients and they receive special training in the musculoskeletal system.

With regard to your training, to get into medical school you are going to have to take additional courses that a psychology major often does not take (e.g., Chemistry). One thing to keep in mind if you take the  doctor path is that you need really grades grades and a high score on the Medical College Admissions Test (MCAT) to secure yourself a spot in the competitive process of medical school/osteopathic school admissions.

A medical degree usually takes 4 years of medical school (2 years classroom training in medicine and 2 years clinical training). The tuition for this degree is paid by the student. After graduation from medical/oestheopathic school, you must obtain licensure from state Board of Medicine to practice in the profession. In addition, prospective doctors must then complete a 3-7 year residency program before their training is finished.

Salary Information

indeed lists the average yearly income for a Medical Doctor at $197,000.

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Click here to read some important steps to a career as a Medical Doctor.

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