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From Psych Degree to Forensics Career

dark prison jail cell

Psychology Degree --> Forensic Career

It is important for you to know that all is not lost if you do not want to get an advanced degree and still have a career in Forensic Psychology. There are definitely career options for those who have only a Bachelor’s degree. Let’s get right into talking about these options:

1) Court Liaison. These workers work with law enforcement agencies and the courts, and perform a range of administrative task (e.g., scheduling depositions, processing subpoenas, reviewing paperwork and court filings before a hearing or trial. 

2) Crime Analyst.  They use data analytic skills to study criminal patterns--who, what, when, where, how, and why of crime patterns in a community. 

3) Case Manager. These individuals often work in correctional settings, helping (usually) former and current inmates) connect to support systems in the community (e.g., substance abuse support groups). 

4) Psychological Assistant.  These workers are involved in clinical work or experimental research. The former involves assisting with the administration and scoring of psychological tests. The latteris involved in conducting psychological experiments. 

5) Victims Advocate. Victims of crime need emotional support and help dealing with various tasks (e.g., finding information about legal rights, locating resources such as shelter and transportation, and filling out paperwork such as victim compensation applications)--victim advocates provide this support and help.

police officer putting handcuffs on white man

Please note that the comments of Dr. Golding and the others who post on this blog express their own opinion and not that of the University of Kentucky.

Want More?

Visit our website to learn more about possible careers for psychology majors or those interested in jobs that involve psychology.

Learn how to succeed in college with Professor Golding’s blog.

Check out Dr. Lippert’s website to learn about her work as a cognitive psychologist.

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